Tuesday, December 29, 2009

11. The Last Presentations

The last one was worse than the practice one that's for sure. I mean, I could be better but It finished though. Also the next ones need to work on holiday which is quiet unlucky of them. After our presentation the Omer's group was the next and I realized that V for Vendetta was really hard to present since it includes a lot more detailes than Boys Don't Cry. I heard from the other classes that they have films which can not even be found on DVD stores. At least we didn't have such adventures:) While we're finishing the course hope to have happy many presentations in the second semester...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

10. Effective presentation

I think presentation is an important thing since the word is presenting. If you don't express, present yourself enough or truely than you'll usually be misunderstood. And actually that is annoying. So we all need to know how to be an effective presenter (not on TV but It can apply for me no problem cause I love to be on the screens:)) of ourselves. When we present something we also present ourselves together with the topic. If you cannot express yourself well than nobody will know that whether you studied or not.

  • You need to be aware that you're powerful than the audience. So there is no need to be get excited because spectators are there to learn something from you. They (hopefully) will listen to you eagerly.
  • You shouldn't be definitely standing behind the desk even if you have something to do with laptop. ( you can pull the laptop near to you towards the front). Because If you stand behind the desk that will biologically send a signal to the aducience that you don't feel comfortable speaking in front of the people. That also make a negative impression that as if you try to draw a line between you and the audience.
  • You need to put some black clothes on the day that you'll have the presentation. I don't know the reason for that but I heard it...
  • You shouldn't be stable while presenting and try to walk if possible or at least make your arms and head move to refresh the audience attention. (I know from Metin Kunt's 'sps prof' lectures that he is stable all the time and stands behind the lectern as a result nearly all the students can not help themselves to sleep)
  • You can also ask questions to students randomly from the class or from the lecturehall to make them awake and concentrate. I remember from the high school that Emre Kongar has been giving one lecture and used this method. After one victim who cannot be able to answer the question of him then everybody started to listen to him with all ears.
  • Also eye-contact is important but we've talked much about that on class already.
But all in all, presentation skill is something which develops gradually so we need to take some time.

9. Eror Correction

The pronunciation was my best on that sheet that's for sure because I take a heed of pronunciation. Maybe we can have some time to work on "how to speak like Sonja?" :) I think accent is one the most significant think about learning languages. When you have an accent like a native speaker than you probably have a good English. (at least it makes an impression like that) I'm trying hardly on speaking with accent but wonder... whatelse I can do??

Whatever... the other thing on the same cover of the page is eror corrections;

What is wrong with these phrases?
  • the use of "the" here is wrong because Jim Hawkins is a person and already special and unique
  • I think we cannot say for a person that he/she is lack of self-confidence. Instead, he is not self-confident should be more suitable.
  • I think there is no such a world like "poorness" in English but we have poverty:)
  • He couldn't succeed to be a man can be good instead of success to be a man.
  • open ?? open what:)) I see some direct translations from Turkish to English here:) turn the tv on might be work well here.
  • I think we need to be more specific here because anybody who read this sentence can interpret it in a different way. Are they bad people because they are behaving bad or you think they are bad in the first hand because they behaved bad to you. Actually they can maybe treat you badly or something but not behave. Hope everybody got what I mean here.
  • Ohhh who sad that or Is he sober when he sad this:)) Is it necessary to say what is wrong here?? Okey, okey If you are a man and also you have a husband not a wife than probably you should be living in Holland or something...
  • What are you growing?? An artichoke in "farmville"?? Heyy you have children mannnn... I think that is our problem you know we thought that it is as easy as growing something on a field. So we should be carefull RAISING our children and not to over irrigate them, all right...
  • listen to them might be well. Not rasping at least.
  • We can say that Marie joined or was the contestant in the show...was called, named as "Dotto" which was famous with the notebook scandal.
  • our wearings??? clothes maybe... Clothing
  • Hmm let me think... Men with similar dresses. If you wear them at the time and if you're Dustin Hoffman in "Tootsie" you may be men with similar dresses.:) actually "men who have similar dresses" but If you're carying the dresses but not wearing yet you should be men with same clothes. There was a movie called Men in black. If you say men in black clothes and have "-es" at the and that means you have more than one men who all wear black. You don't need to say similiar. By the way what on earth am I blathering on??

I now feel a bit uncomfortable, I'v been making fun of the mistakes nearly half an hour but What if I had mistakes as well:DD

Monday, December 14, 2009

8. The pub quiz

Todays quiz was a great fun especially If you were the winner.:D So I would like congratulate my team-mates. But above all every team was successful so we had a great fun and also a stormy competition. For the next year classes, the pub quizes might be a good way to make them revise the whol first semester. Maybe we can have more questions about "the man who was almost a man" which was also a quite good story Sonja:D

The image is,
Retrieved December 15, 2009 from plaza-domingo.com/Molligans.htm

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Today I feel I am back again on blooging. Good for me

7. Fake identity; masculinity

Today’s manhood seems to represent the figure of strong, muscular, wild and powerful creature. However, a real man should be kind and protective towards his woman, it is not essential to be muscular. Because when the muscles go off the only thing which a man will be respected according to is his strong and powerful character.

Retrived November 6, 2009 from

6. Orange group presentation ( What a name hah! )

We were the first group that means we can watch the rest jauntily:) Also it will be easy to comment on them with our huge experience:)). Anyway this was a good chance for us to prepare the second one better. It was a great fun to work with Serra, Hazal and Simge. As some evaluations indicate we need to be fussy on organizing our speech and should equally determine our speech time. But all in all, it was a good practise and a good chance to beat our excitement speaking in front of people. I also apriciate to see more comments on our presentations from who has more to say.

5. Citing Images

Citing Image is a really hard topic as long as you need to avoid pirating and try not to steal something from someone. Honestly I didn't understand its importance since we needed to prepare the presentation on a short shorty "A man who was almost a man". There was a little activity that we did in class on citing images but as we were free to use a long time for preparing it I actually couldn't understand the significance. When it comes to presentation and when it was needed to find and cite more than one image in a short period of time I saw the bitter truth. Yes that's the truth; caring for others is a hard thing...

4. Eng 101

As I've recognized for most of the courses this semester, in eng 101 we're more independent. We're not obliged to do nearly anyting. If we don't do it then we will get what we deserve. This is that simple. But in that sense I definitely feel the pressure because I need to be more organized in order to folow the routins. Nevertheless I don't think being organized is such a bad thing but mostly it's a good practise beeing a competent employee. On the other hand, as I understand, eng 101 aims to make us more confident on speaking by in class discussions and presentations etc. but rather I'd like to work on writing since I feel that I'm not qualified enough on that...

Monday, October 19, 2009

2. Philip Jones Griffiths

Philip Jones Griffiths

We've talked about photojournalism especially in wars during the class and sometimes we criticized the photographers angrily, sometimes we agreed that they were right. However we've never seen one of them.

Philip Jones Griffiths, one of the significant figures in the history of Welsh photography who died on March 2008 was known the best by his coverage in Vietnam War. He was a member of the Magnum Photo agency which is an international photographic cooperative. Maybe you don't know him but you'll recognize some of his famous photographs.
While we're focusing on that topic we should also think about what should be the photographers roles about?
In my opinion photographers should be objective at some point but to be totally ignoring the situtations, especially in front of a bitter scene in war or something similar to that, is not a proper behaviour to take. For instance, as in Serra Orey's post which was entitled "Observe or Participate" a very crucial decision is waiting for the photographer; Observe or Participate, being objective or interfering. That's an endless dilemma which we all can have totally different answers in different times after having saw different kinds of photos...