Sunday, December 6, 2009

4. Eng 101

As I've recognized for most of the courses this semester, in eng 101 we're more independent. We're not obliged to do nearly anyting. If we don't do it then we will get what we deserve. This is that simple. But in that sense I definitely feel the pressure because I need to be more organized in order to folow the routins. Nevertheless I don't think being organized is such a bad thing but mostly it's a good practise beeing a competent employee. On the other hand, as I understand, eng 101 aims to make us more confident on speaking by in class discussions and presentations etc. but rather I'd like to work on writing since I feel that I'm not qualified enough on that...

1 comment:

  1. I'm pleased to see you have recognised the overall goal of the course (independence). Getting organised is a skill that will serve you all your life.

    And I so agree with you that we need to focus more on writing. I have been fighting hard to change the programme...just think, last year in ENG 101 there wasn't even a process essay...! :(
